inDinero HHX: March Recap

inDinero Inc. celebrates International Women’s Day

inDinerians strikes the #BalanceforBetter pose as we join in the celebration of International Women’s Day last March 8, 2019.  The celebration aims to promote a more gender-balanced working environment around the globe, and to pay tribute to the various achievements of women in various fields of society. inDinero, Inc has been continuously supportive not only of the role of the women in the company but also of every one regardless of the gender they represent.

Spa-rty in Cebu!

What do you do when you are bombarded with year ends and month ends at the same time? We’ll, you gotta treat yourself!  inDinero Cebu held its very first Happy Hour Extreme of the year by indulging into an oh-so-relaxing Spa-rty Time last March 1, 2019 at the Grand Royal Spa. inDinerians were treated to the massage of their choice – Body, Thai, Foot and Facial Cleansing, with some drifting off to dreamland.

Not only are the muscles relaxed, the tummies have been filled too! After the spa, inDinerians were then treated to delectable Cheeseburgers c/o Big Daddy’s. Everyone had a fun time catching up with each other over burgers and drinks, which was truly an extremely calming way to cap off the week.

Heat in the Superbowl

In downtown Makati, the inDinero peeps had fun playing bowling in the inDinero: SuperBowl event which took place on March 22, 2019. 

The team formed themselves into four groups and did their best in attaining as much scores as possible.   Tensions were high as they tried to outplace one another in the spirit of friendly competition.

After the event, the tribe members mingled with one another to munch on some pizzas and sodas.


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